i know most of the time i just joke around and post Mr. T videos on here, but if i could, i would like to take a moment and talk about something serious.
the Rick Rolled epidemic that is sweeping our country, nay, our planet.
it must be stopped, and that is only possible if we work together. if you have been, or know someone who has been Rick Rolled, you know how serious this is. and the long term effects it has on a person.
symptoms of being Rick Rolled include:
-sudden outburst
-and sometimes death(not usually)
but you don't have to go through being Rick Rolled, there are ways to prevent it from happening to you, like:
-don't click on links when you don't know for sure where they lead
-don't listen to your friends who are obviously buttholes when they assure you it's safe to click on that link
-use a condom...no, wait, that's the wrong cause. sorry.
i hope you are now fully informed, and i really hope Bono returns my call about doing a commercial/song about this worthy cause.
help stop this horrible epidemic, help save the world, don't get Rick Rolled. (now picture Bono saying that. it just sounds better coming from him, i know.)