Saturday, June 14, 2008

Night of The Lepus AKA The Best Movie Ever

I recently stumbled upon a movie that everyone should know about and take the time to watch. it's called "Night of the Lepus". it's a giant flesh-eating killer bunny movie. i know, all of those words fill me with excitement too.

it's from the 70's, so that makes it even more awesome. here's a clip that demonstrates how great the special effects are and how frightening this movie really is.

what i would like to know is who came up with killer bunnies and why? were killer puppies just not scary enough?

"we have to come up with something really about giant killer kittens!"
"no, that's not scary about giant killer bunnies!"
"jackpot! who wouldn't be scared by that?!"

what's next? killer gerbils? perhaps flesh eating penguins?

ah, hollywood, you know us well. you have your finger on the pulse of american nightmares. how did you know i have had several giant killer bunny dreams over the years? all of which i woke up kicking and sreaming, in a cold sweat afterwards. it's like you read it right out of my diary.

I haven't seen this movie yet, but i'm dying to. i feel like i haven't truly lived yet, you can't without witnessing a man eating bunnies just can't. not when you know it actually exists.

i already know it's great, how could a movie like this not be awesome? when i do finally see it, perhaps i'll let you know if it truly is everything i hoped it to be.

until next time my friends and fellow poorly done 70's horror movie fans...until next time.

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