Saturday, August 2, 2008

I Need To See This Episode

i didn't watch the last season of 7th Heaven, mainly because i have far more important things to do with my watch other tv shows that are better.

but judging by this plot summary from i may have gravely missed out. it's the most confusing and wonderful plot summary i have ever read in my life.

"Nothing Says Lovin' Like Something From The Oven"

"Steven tries to reassure T-Bone there is no reason to move out, Ruthie doesn't hate him and her spending much time with Martin doesn't have to mean anything. Then a surprise takes priority: dentist Theodore Alan 'Al' Bonaducci rides on by Harley and assures T-bone 'junior' that was his nickname as a youngster, his ma just told him in Vegas he's the kid's father, alas 17 years too late and ma is an incurable liar... Dr. Jonathan Sanderson proposes to elated Sandy for marriage after her graduation in a year; she promises Lucy she can delay that now Kevin and she have decided to accept the Crossroads parish. Mac is in Margareth's kissing grace. Jane assures T-Bone that Martin is not into Ruthie but with her, yet Martin also accepts a serious talk with Sandy. Only when Ruthie hears T-Bone accepts to go away a whole summer with his dad, she tells her dad she hates their break-up..."

yeah, i will seriously end up buying the last season of 7th Heaven on dvd for as much money as it costs just to see this episode. something in my bones tells me it's worth it.

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