Sunday, June 15, 2008

When Will This Be Over Again? '08

something that's always in the news lately(and by lately i mean the past year and a half)is the presidential election race. it's not really a race, if it were it would be the longest most torturous race ever. now horse racing that's a race. in fact i think we should give each of the candidates names like they give the horses.

"Pants Suits Galore coming up in the polls, with a strong lead but oh, I'm Not Muslim You Idiots is coming on strong, and has now taken the lead. But wait here comes I Swear I'm Nothing Like George Bush, it's now I'm Not Muslim You Idiots and I Swear I'm Nothing Like George Bush running side by side to the finish line!"

how early the news media started covering the election was just ridiculous, they started talking about it like 1 and a half ago. and still today they act like we're voting tomorrow. it's like a special ed kid that gets really excited about Christmas way before Christmas is even close to happening.

"Yay! it's almost Christmas!"
"Timmy, it's June."

honestly at this point i'm just sick of having to hear about. i mean i care about who's president...well, i did 5 months ago. now i really don't care who is president i just want it to be over!

if Carrot Top was elected president all i'd have to say is, "Thank God that's over with."

hopefully next time the news won't cover the election so early and for so long.
or maybe i'll get hit by a bus before then...we can only dream, right?

until next time.

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